The great thing about doing a short film is you can tell an engaging story in a limited amount of time and effectively impact an audience well beyond the screening. The downside to that is if people enjoy the film you are constantly asked "why is it so short?" "why can't we see more?" I'm joking about the downside part because that obviously means people were into the work. Most of the time my answer is some non-sensical, random attempt to evade the question. Well, this is one of the rare times when I can say you're gonna find out exactly what happens next. I am really proud and excited to announce that Docket 32357 will be developed into a web series! A brief history about Docket before we move forward. Eljon wrote the piece as a full length play. I turned the first scene of the play into the short that has done so well. We are essentially adapting the feature length play for the computer screen. We will delve into the lives of Lois and Valerie. We'll know more about the court case. We will be introduced to the ladies' husbands. And we'll see how their story ends. This is a new endeavor for me because I've never done something that was targeted for the web, but I am really excited to take this challenge on. I will be blogging more about our journey to get this done. I hope you will come on the ride with me as we make this web series. As always, thank you for supporting me, the crew and the film.