Eljon Wardally.
Jessica K. Brown.
Tara Gadomski.
Ashley Denise Robinson.
Kiel Perry.
Jeff Pinilla.
Blair Doroshwalther.
Sauniell Connally.
Ryan Denmark.
Kia M. Neal.
Jonathan Altman.
These wonderful talents, along with many others, have allowed "Docket 32357" to achieve success on the festival circuit in a relatively short amount of time. With our latest acceptance, the film has now reached ten selections. This landmark means a great deal to me. Docket was created because I wanted to keep my directorial skills sharp and I wanted to remain relevant to various film audiences. Eljon wrote a strong piece and it provided an opportunity to achieve those two goals. My hope was that our film would play in a couple festivals nationwide and showcase the talents of everyone involved. Now I can say with confidence that my expectations have been exceeded. It feels good when your work has an opportunity to be shown in front of diverse audiences that you haven't had a chance to engage with in the past. It is also satisfying because our determination to overcome numerous challenges is being rewarded by the overwhelming positive responses the film has received. I was a little concerned when I first took on the project because it is a simple premise in one location. But that concern dissipated when I trusted the talent around me and had faith that the audience will be engaged if we told the story with quality and care. Docket 32357 reminds me of why I love being a filmmaker. The adrenaline rush of being on set and the excitement of interacting with moviegoers. It is addictive. I wouldn't want it any other way.