My Movie Was Just on TV...And It Wasn't a DVD...IT WAS ON TV!!!

I am excited, shocked, overwhelmed, giddy, confused, motivated, scared, gassed, hungry, even less satisfied than I was before 11:15 pm on thursday february 4th, 2010 and also hurt. These are all the things that I am feeling at this very moment. I can't believe that our little film made it to the big little screen for all the country to see. Whether anybody outside of my friends and fb friends saw it is irrelevant. My family and I saw our hard work exhibited on television. Of course, you always dream big in whatever you do. You spend all this time trying to convince yourself that those dreams are gonna come true. Very few people are comfortable enough to tell you that more than not, those dreams aren't going to become reality. But for one night, I was able to live in a dream. I saw my name on tv. I saw my producer's name on tv. I saw my dp's name on tv. I saw my editor and production designer and my wonderful, talented and committed actors on tv. I saw my hard ass working and amazing crew's names on tv. We all got a chance to live a dream for a night. We were able to tell a story to an audience that may have never met a family like the Dominguez family. We told a story to an audience that may very well be the Dominguez family. We made an audience FEEL something. The small short film born from my heart, cultivated at NYU, inspired by the honesty of everyday living and executed by wonderful people lived a dream today. Now it's time to make the next dream a reality. P.S. I'm sorry if this makes no sense. I'm on cloud 9 right now and just blurted out anything that was in my head.

P.S.S. I'll explain the hurt in another post.