Another Big Day for Osvaldo's

Illustration by Ron Wimberley

So the NYC premiere of Osvaldo's went real well. To my surprise, there was a very good crowd there given the fact that we were screening at 3:30 on a thursday afternoon. There were about 6 or 7 films that screened in the block and Osvaldo's screened second to last which I think is always a good thing because I have this belief that many festival programmers will put what they believe to be stronger films towards the end of a screening block. In any case, the film was well received and people were definitely into it.

Today is the encore screening of the film and I can't front I'm real excited about it. I have a feeling a lot of people are going to come out and support the film. Its always great to have your film screen in front of a diverse audience who has no idea what they're getting into when the film first starts but by the end you've engaged them with your story. I'm expecting a lot of NYC love today and I can't wait. If you're reading this and you want to come through the screening is at CHELSEA CINEMAS ON 23RD STREET BETWEEN 7TH & 8TH AVENUES. The screening begins at 3:30p. You can purchase tickets at the ticket window. Check out the trailer at

I'll be back later with how everything went today.